"Kim" is a 60-year-old female who came to our dental clinic for her discolored teeth that occurred from taking an antibiotic, tetracycline, when she was a child. Tetracycline is now known to cause discoloration in developing teeth so it is not used in children anymore if at all possible. Kim also had a deep overbite and tipped, crowded lower front... read more »
The mouth is home to millions of bacteria, some of them good and some bad. In fact, half of the bacteria in your mouth can lead to bad breath! National Fresh Breath Day is observed every year on August 6th to create awareness of oral hygiene in the fight against bad breath. It is a daily battle, and how you... read more »
Dental implants are a way to replace teeth and tooth roots to provide a permanent base to anchor replacement teeth. While bridges and crowns rely on healthy natural roots for support, dental implants are a popular and effective long-term solution for people who suffer from missing teeth, failing teeth or chronic dental problems. Because implants fit, feel and function like real... read more »
When it comes to your smile, taking care of your teeth is an investment in your oral health that pays many dividends. With tooth loss, missing teeth can affect you in multiple ways. Even losing just one tooth can cause problems. Some of that is emotional, as people often feel self-conscious and embarrassed to smile if a prominent tooth is... read more »
In the past, when dental implants were "the new thing on the block", we thought implants were impervious to problems and that they would be a cure to all dental diseases. But now we know that is not completely true. While dental implants are a long-lasting and reliable solution for one or several missing teeth, the gums around implants can... read more »
As humans, we are regularly developing habits throughout our lifetime, and they aren’t always good ones. Bad habits are quite common, and a lot of them are formed unintentionally. Many times we develop habits that aren’t good for us without being aware of it, but bad oral habits can cause problems, pain, and cost a lot of money to correct.... read more »
Your toothbrush is one of the most important tools you have in your home to keep your pearly whites healthy and beautiful. Used properly twice a day, your toothbrush will help you ward off tooth decay, gum disease and even bad breath. Its job in your daily oral hygiene kit is vital because unchecked gum disease is one of the... read more »
Good oral health is essential for a healthy smile. The mouth is home to colonies of microorganisms like bacteria and viruses, and when controlled by daily brushing and flossing, your oral health can thrive. Conversely, consuming a high sugar diet that feeds the bad bacteria creates harmful acids that erode your tooth enamel and lead to cavities. It also happens... read more »
Did you know that having a healthy body starts with a healthy smile? Both affect your digestive system and vice versa. To eat the healthy foods your body needs, your teeth have to masticate (chew) and break down the food. If you are missing teeth or your dentures don't fit very well preventing you from chewing fibrous or solid foods... read more »
More and more people are keeping their natural teeth healthy for a lifetime of beautiful smiles. At any age, a healthy mouth is a valuable asset when it comes to looking and feeling your best. Getting older means taking care of yourself to continue feeling great. Like your body, your dental health requires daily attention to protect teeth and gums.... read more »