Do you miss eating your favorite foods?

Restore your smile with state-of-the-art dental implants.

Dental Implant Placement Basics as a Step-by-Step Process

If you have ever lost a tooth, you might have more than just a gap between your teeth. If a lost tooth is not replaced, the bone in the jaw that supported the lost tooth starts to deteriorate. That’s because when you chew your food, there’s no more stimulation to the bone from the missing tooth’s chewing action. Over time,... read more »

Enamel-Friendly Foods for Your Teeth

When it comes to protecting your teeth, your first line of defense against tooth decay and cavities is tooth enamel, as it is the outermost covering that protects the more vulnerable dentin and tooth pulp below. Your enamel comes equipped for the job as the hardest substance in your body. However, because it doesn’t have living cells it can’t grow... read more »

How Routine Dental Checkups Help Your Smile in the Long Run

When you come in for dental exams and we have cleaned your teeth and gum line and removed any hardened plaque, our dentist can look at them for any signs of trouble, such as cavities, loose or broken teeth, damaged fillings, and evaluate your risk rate of certain diseases which might also take into account your family history. We will... read more »

The Facts on Aging and Your Dental Health

Do you know how to take care of your smile as you age? If not, you are in the right place! Our body changes continuously as we age from young children to senior adults. As a result, taking care of our oral health correctly as we age could help avoid any oral health disasters. Our dentists, Dr. Joshua A. Manchester,... read more »

The Benefits to Be Had From Detecting Risk Factors for Gum Disease

Have you looked for any signs and symptoms of gum disease or are you putting yourself at an increased risk for the condition? Did you know that gum disease is a gum tissue infection that progresses over a period of several years? To help combat gum disease, analyze your lifestyle habits and eliminate those that place you at an increased... read more »

Recover Your Full Smile with a Dental Bridge

Restorative dentistry can help you regain your full smile after extensive tooth loss. Whether you are missing a single tooth or looking for a smile makeover, our team at Northwest Center for Prosthodontics is pleased to offer a variety of restorative treatments, including custom dental bridges that span large tooth gaps created by missing teeth. You can once again have... read more »

Sleep Apnea Can Damage Your Overall Health

If you suffer from sleep apnea, you are not alone. Many people may not know they have it until someone tells them. However, this condition can be harmful to your oral health. To help you understand why sleep apnea is a threat, our dentists, Dr. Manchester and Dr. Lawton with Northwest Center for Prosthodontics in Olympia, Washington, are here to... read more »

Restore Your Tooth With a Dental Crown

A dental crown is a restoration that, when cemented in place, covers the entire visible portion of a tooth. A dental crown may be recommended to cover a tooth that is damaged. The crown can strengthen the tooth and improve its appearance. Why Are Dental Crowns Used? Dr. Manchester and Dr. Lawton may recommend a dental crown in Olympia, Washington,... read more »

Welcome to Our New Blog!

Here at Northwest Center for Prosthodontics, we endeavor to use our new blog as a regular means for publishing valuable content for our community through monthly blog posts. Thanks to the wonders of the Internet, we’re able to further explore some of the most important topics pertaining to our industry and area of expertise here on our website through these... read more »