Patient “Mike” came to see us due to the complexity of his dental needs. Mike was left with only six remaining teeth on his upper arch and already had lower dentures. Mike, however, was unhappy with the functionality of his lower denture due to poor fit and issues with eating. After discussing what options were available for him, Mike chose to move forward with a complete upper denture. For his lower arch, Mike wanted to achieve wearing his denture comfortably without having to use denture adhesive. Mike was a candidate for an implant-supported denture on his lower arch, also known as “All-on-Four”.
In order to help place Mike’s implants in the correct positions, his surgery was planned to be guided with CADCAM surgical guides. A CBCT (Cone Beam Computed Tomography) scan was taken to help create the surgical guides that would be used. Mike’s implants were planned using surgical planning software by Dentsply Sirona for an “All-on-Four” surgical technique. A CAD’CAM bone reduction guide and an implant surgical guide were fabricated for this surgical plan using the same software.
On the day of surgery, the remaining six teeth were extracted from Mike’s upper arch. On the lower arch, the CAD/CAM bone reduction guide and implant guide were both used to accurately place 4 implants. After the four implants were placed in the lower arch, four prefabricated abutments were placed on the implants. Mike’s denture was then converted to fit onto the implants. Mike was very pleased with the outcome of his treatment and is now able to eat and not worry about his lower denture moving around and becoming uncomfortable.
If you are interested in learning more about “All-on-four” complete dentures and if they are right for you give our office a call and schedule an appointment. Our office offers many benefits that other offices do not have. We have our own private lab and work closely with your general dentist, the lab and you to achieve the results we are known for. Call for your appointment today!